Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mechanosensing and Chemical Signaling in Single Osteocytes

Cover of my thesis book. If you find the topics (see papers below) interesting and wish to have a copy of the thesis, which has additional chapters than the papers, do not hesitate to contact me via the 'comments' section of this post. Currently the online version of the book is not available, but it will be accessible soon.


General Abstract


Chapter 1

General Introduction


Chapter 2

The role of osteocytes in bone mechanotransduction

J Klein-Nulend, A Vatsa, RG Bacabac, SD Tan, TH Smit


Chapter 3

Bioimaging of intracellular NO production in single bone cells after mechanical stimulation

A Vatsa, D Mizuno, TH Smit, CF Schmidt, FC MacKintosh, J Klein-Nulend


Chapter 4

Quantification of instantaneous nitric oxide response of bone cells to mechanical and chemical stimuli

D Mizuno, A Vatsa, RG Bacabac, J Klein-Nulend, TH Smit, FC MacKintosh, CF Schmidt


Chapter 5

Extracellular NO signaling from a mechanically stimulated osteocyte

A Vatsa, TH Smit, J Klein-Nulend


Chapter 6

Osteocyte morphology in fibula and calvaria – is there a role for mechanosensing?

A Vatsa, RG Breuls, CM Semeins, PL Salmon, TH Smit, J Klein-Nulend


Chapter 7

Paxilin localisation in mechanosensing osteocytes in fibula and calvaria – is it determined by the direction of mechanical loading?

A Vatsa, CM Semeins, TH Smit, J Klein-Nulend


Chapter 8

General Discussion


Algemene samenvatting




Curriculum vitae




Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Made it..cover of journal Bone!!

I am thrilled to share that one of the images of my article has been selected for the cover of the journal Bone. This issue (Bone 43:3 sept 2008) has my article 'Osteocyte morphology in fibula and calvaria — Is there a role for mechanosensing?'
The image is a 3-D reconstruction of the osteocytes (bone cells) in the fibula bone. These reconstructions were made by using nanoCT scanning and a couple of other software. (for more details click here)


1. The role of osteocytes in bone mechanotransduction Klein-Nulend J, Vatsa A, Bacabac RG, Tan SD, Smit TH
Current Opinion in Orthopedics. 16(5):316-324, October 2005

2. Bio-imaging of intracellular nitric oxide production in single bone cells after mechanical stimulation

Vatsa A, Mizuno D, Smit TH, Schmidt CF, MacKintosh FC, Klein-Nulend J
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 21:1722-1728, 2006

3. Extracellular NO signalling from a mechanically stimulated osteocyte
Vatsa A, Smit, TH, Klein-Nulend J
Journal of Biomechanics 40:S89-S95, 2007

4. Osteocyte morphology in fibula and calvaria – is there a role for mechanosensing? Vatsa A, Breuls RG, Semeins CM, Salmon PL, Smit, TH, Klein-Nulend J
Bone 43:3 452-458

5. Paxillin localisation in osteocytes – is it determined by the direction of mechanical loading?

Vatsa A, Semeins CM, Smit, TH, Klein-Nulend J
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2007.12.174

6. Modulation of gene expression in bone cells during strain-adapted bone remodelling.
Klein-Nulend J, Bacabac RG, Vatsa A, Tan SD, Smit TH, Van Loon JJWA
J Gravitational Physiology 12:225-228 2005
7. Quantification of the instantaneous nitric oxide response of bone cells to mechanical and chemical stimuli

Mizuno D, Vatsa A, Bacabac RG, Klein-Nulend J, Smit TH, MacKintosh FC, Schmidt CF

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